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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Introducing New ESCH Services!

ESCH is now offering two new services in addition to consulting and seminars:

Executive Leadership Coaching

We currently have several open slots for one-on-one leadership development coaching. Professionally-trained coaches work with executive directors and emerging leaders in a coach-coachee relationship for six months. Through one- to two-hour weekly face to-face meetings, the leader develops and enhances specific leadership skills chosen by the leader. To learn more about this program, submit an request for assistance application and insert "coaching" in the current needs section. To hear what our clients think about the program, watch Betsy Ballard from the Houston Food Bank share her experience of ESCH's coaching program in the video below.

Financial Fitness for Nonprofits

FFNP, developed by the Executive Service Corps of Washington, helps organizations establish robust financial management processes. The program begins with an assessment of a nonprofit’s financial management processes in 22 areas, followed by a presentation, provided at a board meeting or retreat, to ensure that the full board has a better understanding of its fiduciary role and another presentation to senior-level staff on budgeting and financial management.

Each organization then participates in a two-hour session on financial policies and procedures. At the end of the session, the organization will have a model set of policies and procedures that can be customized as needed, a glossary of key financial terms, and an understanding of the importance of establishing a management culture that supports good internal controls and financial practices. Presentations are individualized for each organization. Finally, the program offers individualized consultation for more in-depth issues. To learn more about this program, submit an request for assistance application and insert "financial fitness" in the current needs section.