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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Strategic Plan Brings More People to the Theater

The Dominic Walsh Dance Theater (DWDT) wanted to make improvements throughout their entire organization, but like many nonprofits in need of help, they did not know where to start. They asked ESCH for help. The first step was an organizational assessment (Shell Oil Company generously supports ESCH’s assessment services). As a result of the assessment, organizational strengths, weaknesses and subsequent priorities were identified. ESCH and DWDT agreed to develop a strategic plan as the next step, and an ESCH consultant, Ivan Mayers, helped DWDT do this.

Domenico Luciano in Dominic Walsh's Amadeus for Anita.
Photo by Amitava Sarkar, Photography InSight

DWDT’s previous strategic plans had lacked necessary components and a driving force behind them. ESCH’s approach, however, produced a comprehensive and detailed plan, with clear objectives and expectations. Ivan also began attending executive committee meetings to push the plan as a discussion topic at these meetings, to keep the board focused on the plan’s goals and strategies. DWDT is now moving toward a goal of more efficient operations to reach a larger audience. As the plan is implemented, more people will enjoy the performances that DWDT brings to our community.

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